Hotel of Secrets is an innovative metaverse offering a captivating and immersive virtual reality sexual experience. This is a place where people from all over the world can indulge their sexual fantasies and communicate with each other in a hotel environment that caters to a wide variety of tastes and preferences. Our platform offers a variety of locations, allowing users to explore and experiment with the different scenarios they desire.
Moreover, Hotel of Secrets is not only about sex, it also allows users to chat with other players and make friends. This is the place where you can find a virtual partner and spend time with him or even organize your best orgy without fear of judgment.
We pay special attention to security when interacting with other users. All actions require confirmation from all participants in the act, and each user at any time can not only stop the process, but also completely disconnect from other players, including the ability to ban any player so that they never cross paths in our metaverse again. The dirty talk features are also broken down into several levels and will require confirmation to rule out any unwanted shaming.
We know about the experience of creating a metaverse from Facebook, and we are sure that this can lead to revolutionary changes in the way people work and communicate. However, the conservative strategy that the company chose for Horizon Worlds, as well as the high cost of equipment, gave too many restrictions for users, which led to low popularity, and, as a result, to the death of the entire project.
In particular, users wanted to be able to satisfy their sexual needs. Our hypothesis is supported by cases of sexual harassment and harassment that occurred in the metaverse. In our opinion, it is necessary not to fight the manifestations of sexual needs, but rather to resolve them and take control of them so that the environment is safe for everyone.
Also, we believe that the main problem of the metaverse lies in the high entry threshold - it is necessary to install the program and purchase special equipment, and the reward for this is very conditional. In our case, the reward is the exquisite satisfaction of sexual needs.
As a result, when we can reduce the entry threshold for a critical mass of users, we will be able to maximize the functionality of the metaverse, to a full-fledged virtual reality, not limited to satisfying sexual needs: communicate, give lectures, shop, gamble, create our own community with our own rules.
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